

Blog Assignment 10:Design Synthesis

Learning this course the design history, which has an huge impact on my own approach to think about my design work. At first, I think the design history is a kind of method to create or imagine my own design work. Because in the design history which indicate the successful designers' ideals and the design concepts so that I can learn from them. For example, the Rococo, which is the kind of atical style in that time, but it influenced on the culture quite a lot. Thoughout study the positive and the critiques of the Rococo style, I know how the design history progress step by step. Then I know that the design depends on the economy levels which means the economy level and the political measures influenced on the design developing. For instance, the Bauhaus which has an impact on my minds. Because the new materials used, the designers concerned the function of the objects. And I feel the their design work achieved another stage that is using sinple structure and less ornamental concepts to complete the perfect design work.
So I think this course not only bring me the history of design, but also it is important to imagine the approaches to think over my own design work in the future.

