

Blog Assignment 8: Politics of Design

Any design tendency wants to develop, which needs the development of the ecomoy and the improvement of the consumers' demands. For example, America put the Marshall Plan to help the European counties' economic recovery. We obviously know that the European counties depend on American help which are the technological help, investment. Although these counties' economy would recovery, America also controled some of the trades of thses counties' developments. In the this week's reading, it said the Germany and Italy has huge impacts on the consumer society. Because of the technologies revolution, the citizens can hence their life levels. Then the citizens not only concern the uticity of the objects, but also the cultural sign fashion of the them.
This ad image I choosed is the Coca-Cola ad. Coca-Cola is the most famous soft drink brand at now. For the Coca-Cola, there is a long history. It was built in American, but now it has a huge networks in the world. After the War 1, the makets of the Coca-Cola reduced seriously, but it recoveried by the CEO's meatures in a period time. The Coca-Cola company depends on every counties customers' features to take the advertisement to sell more products. Moreover, we know that the Coca-Cola company got the American gvernment's support. This is why it can become the biggest soft drink brand . It means Political support is always can bring the ecomonic pofits then the ecomoy becomes the fundation of cultural sign fashion developments.


Blog Assignment 7

A good designer needs to have the unique background in my opinion. Because a good designer is regarded as herself (himself) is the artist rather than just design the objects everyday. A designer who has the special experience can think and design the unique works. And he needs to understand the meaning of the design knowledge. Furthermore, any designer have their own concepts and the ideologgies in their design works. So thses can be the traditional culture ideas, modern design ideas and so on. I think the good designer can put their own ideas which are their knowledge and experience in their works and becomes a kind of feature.


Blog Assignment 6

As far as we know, the Bauhaus stands the universal arts in contemporary industrial society. It is so important for artists to study because it has an huge impact on the function, technology and the economic effects. There is no denying that the Bauhaus is the meaningful process in arts, which formed the critical methodology.
The Bauhaus concertrated on the people's living standards,which using of new technology and mechanized industrial production. The features the Bauhaus are the functional universal and technological. Compared with the modern design education, the Bauhaus is the pioneer that has no luxurious effects but the Bauhaus brings the demands of life. "Arts is an technology: A new unity!"(reading part 2) With the development of the design education, technological tools are becoming the key elements are used in the design areas. For example, most of the websites are using the digital technologies to promote their websites. The digital function is used for relating to the each part of the websites.
In addition, in the modern design education, there is another similarity is the individual and indulgent esthetic activity. "As a result, claimed its decrators, the Bauhaus produced the kind of individual and indulgent esthetic activity at variance with the social aims expressed in the 1919 manifesto."(reading part 2) At that time, the designers in the Bauhaus were aiming at the decoration is becoming more functional. For instance, the kitchen designs can indicate this point. Of cuorse, in the modern design, the decoration is more used in the individual demends and objects function.